Possessing great crested newts for detection dog training – guidance to inform licensing
The ADDC has been working hard to produce a comprehensive guidance document for Natural England, Natural Resources Wales and NatureScot, the governing bodies for great crested newt licensing in the UK.
This guidance document has been prepared by UK based board members of the ADDC and is intended to inform licensing decisions in relation to possessing great crested newts for the purpose of detection dog training.
Although this guidance document is primarily intended to assist governing bodies with great crested newt licensing decisions, this document also contains a wealth of information which would be useful and informative for anyone who is considering applying for a licence to possess great crested newts for detection dog training.
This guidance document has been subject to review and comment by the global ADDC, the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust, Natural England and NatureScot.

Wildlife Detection Dogs for Ecological Surveys and Conservation Research: UK Good Practice Guidelines
Our Good Practice Guidelines are now in the final review stages.